The path of Starry Horizons.
Making the big leap across the Atlantic is pretty nerve-racking. All circumnavigators have done it, and it helps new sailors calm their nerves by reading stories – good and bad! – about making a crossing of that size.
- This topic's coordinator, Amy, Crossed the Atlantic Ocean on Starry Horizons, a 44' Helia catamaran, from Las Palmas to Miami, leaving Christmas morning, 2014.
- Monkey's Fist Topic Coordinator Jessica recently crossed the Atlantic eastbound from Florida to the Azores, the first of several posts on their crossing explains why she now believes you should Never Leave for a Passage on Thursday the 12th.
- Pacific Sailors' Verena recounted a trip in 1987 that resulted in a rescue from a super-yacht and brought up how Fear is handled and how we prepare for it.
- Captain Liz Made It to Spain while crossing the Atlantic from Antigua as crew on a private 116ft yacht.
- Tumbleweed Adventure left St Helena for Salvador, Brazil from March – April 2014 over 14 days on their 42’ Manta Catamaran, March 26th, 2014: The start to our Atlantic Ocean Crossing.
- Kewl Change posted a series of videos on their Atlantic Crossing from Cape Verde to Newburyport, USA in July-August 2013.
- The crew of Chocobo crossed the Atlantic in November – December 2011from Cape Verde to Antigua over a period of 14 days. They finished their circumnavigation just a little bit later!
- Taru and Alex of World Tour Stories crossed the Atlantic from Las Palmas, Canaries to Cabo Verde to Barbados in January – February 2011.
- Not All Those Who Wander Are Lost crossed the Atlantic in December 2010-January 2011 from San Sebastian, Spain to Antigua for a total of 19 days.
- Of Butterfly and Barnacle crossed from South Africato Brazil (with St Helena in between). They made the crossing in 30 days aboard their 45’ Fastcat in March – April 2009.
- The Bumfuzzles crossed the Atlantic in November - December 2006, from Tenerife (Canary Islands) to Granada on their 35’ Wildcat Catamaran in 22 days.
Where ever you are crossing from and landing, a lot of prep work is involved.
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Howdy! The Burnetts just crossed the Atlantic from Florida to Portugal, like Jessica, leaving Friday, May 13, 2016. Our daily offshore posts are collected in the category "Atlantic Crossing I," on our blog: