Costs of Cruising

The standard answer when someone asks, "What does cruising cost?" is "Whatever you've got." Amusing, perhaps, but not very helpful to someone who's trying to figure out what it's going to take for them to be able to live this particular dream.  Fortunately several bloggers have published what they actually spend.  While this is incredibly helpful, you also need to know a bit about their life circumstances, location, boat type, and style.   Almost four years ago, Jaye first described their

and reports that since that blog post, these numbers have been remarkably consistent to today.

The best approach to planning your own cruising costs might be to read numerous posts from different bloggers, so we're trying to compile a range here at Monkey's Fist. If you have a blog post about your costs to cruise, we'd love to share it -- contribute a link in the comments below.  

Topic Coordinator: Ellen from The Cynical Sailor

Scheduled to post: early April
(Links will still be welcome after the topic is "goes live," but submissions before March 30 would be greatly appreciated!) 


  1. I've got a number of cost of cruising posts on this page -

  2. As a longtime follower of your blog, I already had that link on the list for the final post! (But thanx for contributing, 'cuz you didn't know that. *wink*)

  3. I don't know if this "fits", but its the 'cost of provisioning for the Bahamas'. I will probably have a post up about the costs that were involved for us and our first two months of repairs, boat yards, etc (scary costs!!!). If this isn't what you're looking for, that's fine, too! I look forward to seeing the posts on this topic, for sure!

    1. Thanks Byn - provisioning is definitely a huge part of cost of cruising. Thanks for the link!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Ooops! Linked to the wrong post! Here is the blog page where I've compiled all of our "Cost of Cruising" posts thus far.
