
The New Normal

When you're a landlubber, living on land is "normal." But if you live on a boat, the old "normal" goes out the window porthole.  For example, boaters often note the drastic lifestyle changes required by space limitations.  Also, we know that we are much more energy/resource aware, living on a boat.  But on the other hand, there are definite benefits to the liveaboard lifestyle.  The bottom line: if you live aboard, you adjust to a "new normal," for better and for worse.

Sole-less shoes: one of the benefits of cruiser "normal," according to Holli (s/v Shiloh)
In this collection of links, bloggers explore the differences between shore-based normal and ship-based normal.

Topic coordinator: Jane (more JOY everywhere!)

Jill, Tim, and Toby dog (From OJ to the Ocean) had the opportunity to live ashore for a week after several months on board, putting the differences between the two lifestyles in sharp contrast.

Living aboard has been on-again off-again for Julie and Mark (S/V Second Star).  Now on-again, Julie has fond memories of her king-sized bed, her herb garden, and a less-than-.15-mile-walk to the bathroom.  The old normal, she says, was easier than the new normal.

Sarah (Blue Water Dreaming) writes about the things she misses about land life, making most cruisers nod their heads and sigh wistfully.  For Sarah, the new normal is missing a few comforts and conveniences.

Like Sarah, Nic and Steve sailing around the world have a list of things they took for granted when normal was shore-based.

Jan (Commuter Cruiser) makes an important point - it's all about EXPECTATIONS.  If you expect inconvenience to be part of the new normal, you won't be disappointed:

Andrew (77Zero) compiles a list of things that only seem normal if you live on a boat:

Laurie (So Many Beaches) reminds her readers that most "pros" come with attendant "cons" - for example, for the sense of adventure that comes with cruising, she sacrifices the sense of stability that is normal to a land-based life.

Steve (Landfall Voyages) considers his family's lifestyle and the losses and gains they've experienced by going cruising.

For Holli (sv Shiloh), land-based normal includes getting pale and blow-drying her hair.  Being a cruiser involves sacrifices and compromises, but she's learned what it takes and what she can live without.  In the end, the new normal suits her.

Dana and Wayne (Galley Wench Tales) are adjusting to marina life after being out cruising for a while.  Dana discusses the good -  unlimited hot showers and shore power to run the a/c - as well as the bad/ugly - reams of paperwork, pre-employment drug testing, and tough decisions about transportation, phone plans, etc.

Now that Tammy (Things we did today) is used to living on a boat, a night in a modest motel room seems like unbelievable luxury.  Still though, she and Bruce were happy to return home to the boat after their trip.

"Normal" on a boat is synonymous with "Breakdowns," according to Diane (Ceilydh Set Sail), but normal is also Christmas decorations and quarter moons in new places.

On her birthday, Bri (On the Horizon Line) considers what she's missing and what she's thankful for.  She wishes for dark chocolate and a little nighttime cuddling, but it's too hot.  Meanwhile, she's glad that she brought her pillow, and that she doesn't need socks any more.

In a fit of positivity, Lyns (Tiko & Friends) creates a top-ten list: favourite things about her new normal.

On more JOY everywhere! the cat crew has become accustomed to a new normal.

From a soon-to-be cruiser (Adventure Us 2), some thoughts about what the new normal might be like:

Hi, blogger! Do you have a blog post about things you miss from your shore-based life, or things that you don't miss - ways that "the new normal" is different than the old normal?  Please post your link with a brief description in the comment section below and we'll add it to this list. Already have a link on this page? Feel free to link back here so that your readers can find other posts on this topic. We have low-tech and high-tech instructions:

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High-tech instructions: Copy the code below and paste it into the html at the bottom of your post to give your readers a link back to this page.

The Monkey's Fist


  1. Great blog! Thanks for linking. Will do the same; definitely bookmarked you as there's tons to revisit!

    I'd love to learn more about more actively contributing on this blog.

    BTW my favorite post about when cruising is NOT glamorous (for those only kinda-sorta wannabes who want to feel better about being landlubbers) is http://www.galleywenchtales.com/2013/06/kill-them-kill-them-all.html. It's a sure squirmer.

    Keep up the awesome work!

    Dana aka "www.GalleyWenchTales.com"

    1. Dana - we don't have the TID page up yet, but one of our upcoming topics is "When Cruising Sucks" - how appropriate for your no-see-um post! :) I know we've included a few of your posts already, but I hope you'll go through our Topics list - we like to revive "old" topics with new links - just include your link in the comments section and we'll add it. Then keep an eye on the TID sidebar, top left, and you can write a post especially for a new topic - we just put up two new "topics in development" today - take a look!

  2. I had barefoot sandals similar when I was in college!

  3. I wrote about Things I Won't Miss on our blog, www.adventureustwo.blogspot.com

    1. great post - I will add it to our list. Please add our badge to the bottom of your post, and welcome to MoFi!
