
Beauty and the Boat

This quad stands up to the heat (from MJ Sailing)
Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the fairest sailor of them all?

Whether you are living exclusively on the hook or are a slave to the marina facilities, it is likely that living aboard has had some sort of impact on your beauty routine. Before I moved aboard I would don a full face of makeup every day as I headed to the office. You can say that things changed once I moved aboard. Granted, I was no longer working, but a formal face just seemed unnecessary once I was out exploring tropical waters each day.

Just because one chooses a life aboard doesn't mean they have to give up beauty entirely. These lovely sailing ladies share what works for them, what stands up to the heat and how they keep a little bit of girliness in their lives after moving aboard.

Topic Coordinator: Kelley (Sailing Chance)


From wearing makeup to laser hair removal - I cover all the intimate details of my beauty routine aboard Sailing Chance.
Cruising as a Woman

Jessica from Matt & Jessica's Sailing Page has tried a few different products over her time aboard. From products helping repair all that sun damage to ones who just make you feel girly for a night out she shares what products stand up to the heat.
Cosmetics that Stand Up to the Heat

Ellen from The Cynical Sailor shares her beauty routine, or lack there of. She does share some comical, I've-so-been-there ways for disguising the inevitable bruises you will get living on a boat.
Would You Risk Blowing Up Your Boat for Better Hair?

Drena from Sailing Journey is a self-proclaimed Girly Sailing Girl and PROUD OF IT. She shares how little her routine changed once she moved aboard.
Being Girly on a Boat

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1 comment:

  1. Here's a fun one I just found: http://landfallvoyages.com/3051/girl-mechanic-fancy-nails-fail/
